First Noble Truth

The Unspoken Assumptions of Relationships

The Unspoken Assumptions of Relationships

The most common way relationships can bring about dissatisfaction is that we have expectations that don't get met. We often have expectations of how we want our relationships to be, and when these expectations are not met, it can lead to suffering and dissatisfaction. For example, we might have expectations about how our colleagues should behave, contribute to the team, or what they should do in certain situations. We might also have expectations about their roles and responsibilities or how they should support and communicate with us. When our expectations are not met, it can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration.

Freeing Yourself from Your Mind

Freeing Yourself from Your Mind

Our conceptual models keep us at a distance from the unmediated experience of life. They are filters through which we judge whether the circumstances we confront as either good or bad, wanted or unwanted. When we let go of the conceptual mind and step into Beginner’s Mind, we are free to use our senses to explore the obstacles we face in a direct manner.