Shedding the Burden of Guilt

Lisa, a skilled professional, faced challenges in her personal life that led to a difficult period. Struggling with career uncertainty and insecurity in her new job, she also grappled with being present for her partner, John, and their infant, Steven. Lisa's impulse control issues manifested in annual blackouts and overeating, leading to cycles of guilt, shame, and negative self-talk.

A traumatic event from her past—a week before high school graduation, her father attempted suicide—plagued her with guilt throughout her life. John provided solace and stability, but stress still triggered latent instability.

Determined to heal, Lisa enrolled in the Mind/Body Foundations program, which challenged her to face the trauma head-on. Through mindfulness, therapy, and introspection, she coped with the painful memories and guilt. During her transformative journey, she discovered she wasn't responsible for her father's depression, allowing her to release the burden of guilt and heal.

With support from loved ones and the program's guidance, Lisa emerged with a renewed sense of self and a deeper connection to those around her. She integrated her traumatic experiences and moved forward, embracing a fulfilling life both personally and professionally.